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Завдання І етапу Всеукраїнської олімпіади з англійської мови 11 клас 2018 - 2019 н.р.
25.11.2018, 21:58

Завдання І етапу Всеукраїнської олімпіади з англійської  мови

11 клас


Show Me the Way to Go Home

Unexpected numbers of young adults are living with their parents. This fact is becoming abundantly familiar as American parents are forced to make room for their adult children. There is a naive notion that children grow up and leave home when they are 18, and the truth is far from that. Today, 59 % of men and 47% of women between 18 and 24 depend on their parents for housing in this or that way and this is part of a major shift in the middle class.

Analysts cite a variety of reasons for this return to the nest. The marriage age is rising, a condition that makes home and its amenities particularly attractive to young people. A high divorce rate and a declining remarriage rate are sending economically pressed and emotionally battered survivors back to parental shelters.

For some, the expense of an away-from-home college has become so exorbitant that many students now attend local schools. Even after graduation young people find their wings clipped by skyrocketing housing costs.

Sharing the family home requires adjustments for all. There are the hassles over bathrooms, telephones, and privacy. Some families, however, manage the delicate balancing act.

Still, most psychologists feel lengthy homecomings are a mistake. Offspring, struggling to establish separate identities, can wind up with a sense of inadequacy, defeat, and failure. And aging parents who should be enjoying some financial and personal freedom, find themselves bogged down with responsibilities. Living with children of any age involves compromise and obligation, factors that can be detrimental to some aspects of well-being. All children, even adult children, require accommodation and create stress.

Brief visits, however, can work beneficially. They may make parents and their children much closer to each other without being a burden for either part.

Listening   11th form

Task 1. For each of the questions 1 — 10 decide which of the statements are true or false

1.I caving home after school used to be a tradition in the US.

2. Children do not want to leave their parents' houses.

3. There is a variety of choices for children to make.

4.Students nowadays have fewer options for studying than before.

5.More females than males depend on their parents for housing.

6.Living with adult children is relaxing in most cases.

7.When adult children return home, it is them who need to get used to their parents' way of life.

8.Most parents expect their lives will change for the better without their children living with them.

9.Living with parents may be psychologically harmful.

10.There seems to be no possible way to handle the problem today.

Task 2. For each of the questions 11—20 decide which of the answers (a,  b), c)  or d) best complete the statements

11. The situation described is something:

a) not very well known;                 b)   not very much waited for;      c) not very embarrassing;         d)   not very naive.

12. It can be inferred from the text that:

the life of the middle class has changed;

middle class people have to work in two shifts;

middle class students majoring housing;

middle class houses are different from what they used to be.

13. You may be most likely expected to live with your parents if you are: -

a) 21;         b)   28;        c) 42;       d)   18.    .    '

14. Americans today tend to get married:

a) earlier than before;                  b)   at the same age as before;    c) later than before;           d)   only after being forced to.

15. The text states that the cost of housing:

a) is slowly getting more expensive;      b)   remains the same;    b) is going down a bit;      d)   is increasing at a high speed.

16. It is implied in the text that:

a) most families feel comfortable when living together;                   b) a few families are able to find a compromise;

c) there is no problem with personal space;                                      d) no efforts to solve the problem are made.

17. Living in the parents' house may produce a negative effect on children's:

a) self-esteem;                             b)   selfishness;        c) attitude to parents;                   d)   intentions to get married.

18. In the families where parents and adult children live together, it is more likely to find the atmosphere of:

a) friendliness;                             b)   hopefulness;               c) nervousness;                      d)   ruthlessness.

19. According to the text, parents believe that they must:

a) provide their children with a place to live;     b) improve their children's well-being;   

c) enjoy their children;         d) establish children's identities.

20. One can make a conclusion that parents and children in America are tradi­tionally:

a) very close;      b)   a bit distant from each other;       c) glad to visit each other;            d)   a burden for each other.

 11th  form.

Reading. Text  1. (  From  The  Worst-Case  Scenario  Handbook )

How  to Survive  in  Frigid  Water  1) Do  not  attempt  to  swim  unless  it  is  for  a  very  short  distance. A  strong  swimmer  has  a  50-50  chance  0f  surviving  in  50-degree  Fahrenheit  water. Swim  only  if  you  can  reach  land, a  boat, or  a  floating  object  with  a  few  strokes. ( Swimming  moves  cold  water  over  skin, causing  rapid  cooling. Cold  water  saps  body  heat  25  times  faster  than  air  of  the  same  temperature, and  water  any  colder  than  70  degrees  Fahrenheit  can  cause  hypothermia ). 2) If  you  are  alone  and  wearing  a  personal  flotation  device (PFD), assume  the  Heat  Escape  Lessening  Posture  (HELP). Cross  your  ankles, draw  your  knees  to  your  chest, and  cross  your  arms  over  your  chest. Your  hands  should  be  kept  high  on  your  chest  or   neck  to  keep  them  warm. Do  not  remove  clothing. Clothes  will  not  weigh  you  down  but  will  hold  warm  water  against  your  skin  like  a  diver’s  wetsuit. This  position  can  reduce  heat  loss  by  50  percent. 3) If  two  or  more  people  are  in  the  water and  all  are  wearing  personal  flotation  devices  (PFDs), assume  the  “huddle”  position. Two  or  four  people  should  “hug”, with  chest  touching  chest. Smaller individuals  can  be  sandwiched  between  larger  members. This  position  allows  body  heat  to  be  shared. Also, rescuers  can spot  groups  more  easily  than  individuals.

State  true  or false  sentences:

1. An  average  person  swimming  50  yards  in  50-degree  water  has  a  50  percent  chance  of  surviving.

2. Air  lowers  body  heat  25  times  faster  than  water  of  the  same  temperature.

3. Generally, when  stranded  in  frigid  water, you  should  try  to  swim  to  the  closest  floating  object.

4. When  alone  and  wearing  a  PFD  in  cold water, you  should  wrap  your  arms  around  your  stomach.

5. In  this  article, HELP  stands  for heat  escape  lessening  posture.

6. Always  remove  clothing  when  stranded  in  water, because  it  will  weigh  you  down.

7. The  HELP  reduces  the  body’s  heat  loss  by  50  percent.

8. When  two  to  four  people  stranded  in  water  they  should  hold  each  other  with   their  chests  touching.

9. Smaller  people  stranded  in  the  water  should  be  held  on  the  backs  of  the  larger  people.

10. It  is  more  difficult  for  people  stranded  at  sea  to  be  seen  by  rescuers  if  they  are  in  groups.

TEXT  2.

After  inventing  dynamite, Swedish-born  Alfred  Nobel  became  a  very  rich  man. However, he  foresaw  its  universally  destructive  power  too  late. Nobel  preferred  not  to  be  remembered  as  the  inventor  of  dynamite, so  in  1895, just  two  weeks  before  his  death, he  created  a fund  to  be  used  for  awarding  prizes  to  people  who  had  made  worthwhile  contributions  to  mankind. Originally  there  were  five  awards : literature, physics, chemistry, medicine  and  peace. Economics  was  added  in  1968, just  sixty-seven  years  after  the  first  awards  ceremony.

Nobel’s  original  legacy  of  nine million  dollars  was  invested, and  the  interest  on  this  sum  is  used  for  the  awards  which  vary  from  $30,000  to  $125,000.

Every  year  on  December  10, the  anniversary  of  Nobel’s  death, the  awards  (gold  medal, illuminated  diploma, and  money)  are  presented  to  the  winners. Sometimes  politics  plays  an  important  role  in  the  judges’  decisions. Americans  have  won  numerous  science  awards, but  relatively  few  literature  prizes.

No  awards  were  presented  fro  1940  to  1942  at  the  beginning  of  World  War  II. Some  people  have  won  two  prizes, but  this  is  rare; others  have  shared  their  prizes.

Choose  the  right  variant:

1. When  did  the  first  award  ceremony  take  place? A) 1895  B) 1901  C) 1962  D) 1968

2. Why  was  the  Nobel  prize  established?  A) to  recognize  worthwhile  contributions  to  humanity

    B) to  resolve  political  differences  C) to honor  the  inventor  of  dynamite  D) to  spend  money

3. In  which  area  have  Americans  received  the most  awards?

    A) literature  B) peace  C) economics  D) science

4. Which  of  the  following  statements  is  not  true?      A) Awards  vary  in  monetary  value                                                                                B) Ceremonies  are  held  on  December  10  to commemorate  Nobel’s  invention

C) Politics  can  play  an  important  role in  selecting  the  winners  D) A  few  individuals  have  won  two  awards.

5. In  how  many  fields  are  prizes  bestowed?  A) 2  B) 5  C) 6  D) 10

Text 3.In 776 B.C. The first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus to  honor  the Greeks’ chief god, Zeus. The Greeks emphasized physical fitness and strength in their education of youth. Therefore, contests in running, jumping, discus and javelin throwing, boxing and horse racing were held in individual cities, and the winners competed every four years at Mount Olympus. Winners were greatly honored by having olive wreaths placed on their heads and poems sung about their deeds. Originally these were held as games of friendship, and any wars in progress were halted to allow the games to take place. The Greeks attached so much importance to these games that calculated time in four-year cycles called “Olympiads” dating from 776 B.C.

Choose the best variant:

  1. Which of the following is not true?

A) Winners placed olive wreaths on their own heads B) The games were held in Greece every 4 years C) Battles were interrupted to participate in the games. D) Poems praised winners in songs

       2.   Why were the Olympics held?

         A) to stop wars B) to honor Zeus C) to crown the best athletes D) to sing songs about their deeds

       3.   Approximately how many years ago did these games originate?

         A) 776 years B) 1,276 C) 2,780 D) 2,277

       4.   What conclusion can we make about the ancient Greeks?

A) They liked to fight B) They were very athletic C) They liked a lot of ceremony D) They couldn’t count, so they used “Olympiads” for dates

5. How many Olympic events did the Greeks originally participate in?

A) 4  B) 5     C) 6      D) 8

                                                    Speaking comprehension

                                    The 8th form

1.You share a room with a foreign student. Tell him about your family and traditions.

2. Tell  about your favourite kind of sport.

3. During your stay in Britain you have to make a report about Ukraine.

4. A new pupil came to your class. Tell him about your village.

                             The 9th form

1.Your friend is calling you to congratulate you on your birthday. You had your birthday party yesterday. Tell him about it.

2.You are in a new city. How are you going to spend your spare time? What are you going to do? Where are you planning to go?

3.You have just come back from a trip to Great Britain. Share your impressions with your friends.

4.Tell about your favourite English writer

                                      The 10th form

1.Tell why it is important to learn foreign language.

2.What are the main ecological problems ? How can we solve them?

   3. Tell your English penfriend about system of education in Ukraine.

   4. What is your favourite film?

                                     The 11th form

1.Tell about the best place for rest in Ukraine

2.What are your plans after leaving school?

3.You are going to study abroad. What country would you choose?

4.Tell about holidays in English-speaking countries.

Категорія: І етап всеукраїнської олімпіади | Додав: Андрій
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