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Головна » Файли » І етап всеукраїнської олімпіади

Завдання І етапу Всеукраїнської олімпіади з англійської мови 8 клас 2018 - 2019 н.р.
25.11.2018, 21:48

Завдання I етапу Всеукраїнської олімпіади з англійської  мови




In this test you will select from three writing tasks. Choose the one that you feel you are most capable to write about. You will then begin writing your essay on the pages pro­vided. When you are finished close your papers, lay down your pen and wait for us to collect your test materials

For 8th Form Students

  1. Television and computer games will soon lead to disappearing of books.
  2. People don't need sport to live happily.
  3. There is no ideal school in the world.

For 9th Form Students

1. Food is a very important part of our lives as we must eat to live, but not live to eat. What is your favourite dish and how is it made? Tell about the process of preparing the dish. What are the ingredients and where do you buy them? Why do you love this dish so much? Does it mean something special to you?

2Mobile phones have become more and more popu­lar around the world. In some countries, people depend on mobile phones to do their daily jobs or to keep in contact with other people. But what would the world be like with­out mobile phones? Have mobile phones truly improved the quality of life of those who use them?

3 You have been called upon to create a new national holiday for Ukraine. What person or event do you choose to honor, and why? When would you have the holiday, and how would this affect the celebration? What traditions will be associated with this holiday? Why will this holiday appeal to citizens around the country?

For 10th Form Students

1. If you were the president of the country what country would you choose to rule? Why? What would you do to make the life of your people better?

It is often said that “the world is getting smaller. How has the technology made the world smaller? What most influential inventions have made us think so? What are the advantages and disadvantages to live in a more connected world?

Reading fiction (such as novels and short stories) is more enjoyable than watching movies. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.

For 11th Form Students

1. Many years ago, pupils graduating secondary schools were expected to know the basics of Latin, Greek and French. Yet today, many students leave school without knowing the basics of one foreign language.

  • Which system of education do you prefer, the old or current?
  • Is it important to learn a foreign language in school? Why?
  • How could learning Latin, ancient Greek or other dead languages, help you in life?

2. What roles do our friends play in our life? Do they have positive or negative influences? What do you look for in a friend?

3. What do you believe to be the greatest problem in today’s society? Explain why you consider it to be so bad. How would you propose to do away with this problem?



Завдання I етапу Всеукраїнської олімпіади з англійської  мови

8 клас


History Jokes

His name was Fleming, and he was a poor Scottish farmer. One day, while trying to make a living for his family, he heard a cry for help coming from a nearby boy. He dropped his tools and ran to the boy. There, mired to his waist in black muck, was a terrified boy, screaming and struggling to free himself. Farmer Flem­ing saved the boy from what could have been a slow and terrifying death.

The next day, a fancy carriage pulled up to the Scotsman's place. An elegantly dressed nobleman stepped out and introduced himself as the father of the boy farmer Fleming had saved.

"I want to repay you", said the nobleman. "You saved my son's life". "No, I can't accept payment for what I did", the Scottish farmer replied, waving off the offer. At that moment, the farmer's own son came to the door of the family hovel. "Is that your son?" the nobleman asked. "Yes", the farmer replied proudly. "I'll make you a deal. Let me take him and give him a good education. If the fellow is anything like his father, he'll grow to a man you can be proud of.

And that he did. In time, farmer Fleming's son graduated from St. Mary's Hospital Medical School in London, and went on to become known throughout the world as the noted Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of Penicillin.

Years afterward, the nobleman's son was close to death from pneumonia. What saved him?

 Penicillin. The name of the nobleman? Lord Randolph Churchill. His son's name?

Sir Winston Churchill

'Task 1. For each of the questions 1-10 decide which of the statements are true or false

  1. The text mainly tells about ordinary events in history.         '
  2. At the beginning of the story, the farmer was bathing in a river.
  3. There must have been an accident with a little boy.
  4. The action takes place nowadays.
  5. The farmer's children were all girls.
  6. The little boy's father wanted to give the farmer a sum of money.
  7. The farmer seemed to know the importance of knowledge.
  8. The nobleman's prediction did not come true.
  9. The boy glorified his family name.

10. Sometimes wonderful coincidences happen in life.

Task 2. For each of the questions 11 —20 decide which of the answers (a, b, c or d) best complete the statements

11.  It may be inferred from the text that the Fleming family lived:

a)   in the south of Great Britain;           b)   in the north of Great Britain;

c)   in the centre of Great Britain;          d)   outside Great Britain.

12. The farmer must have been:

a)   kind and wealthy;                           b)   noble and proud;

c)   hardly able to make ends meet;        d)   idle and suspicious.

13. One can make a conclusion that the saved boy's father was:
a)   a successful farmer;
                        b)   a good hunter;

c)   an aristocrat;                                 d)   a beggar.'

14. The farmer's son must have been:

a)   worth pride;                                  b)   a wonder kid;

c)   a nobleman;                                  d)   from Ireland.

15. The nobleman's offer was:

a)   rather stupid;      .                          b)  just and generous;                   

c)   not worth considering;                    d)   never accepted.

16. After receiving his education, young Fleming was supposed to:
a)   work with customers;
                     b)   sell medicines;

c)   look for criminals;                         d)   treat patients.

  1. Alexander Fleming discovered: a)  a penny ceiling; b) a pan sealing; c) penicillin; d) pennies while pealing.
  2. Fleming's discovery made him:

a)   cruel and dangerous;                      b)   famous worldwide;

c)   thrilling and exciting;                     d)   quite boring.

19. The word "sir" before Fleming's name may mean that he:

  1. became as noble as Churchill;
  2. came from Syracuse;
  3. performed in a circle;
  4. was a sergeant in the British Army.

20. One can infer from the text that:  

  1. the Flemings and the Churchills were close friends;
  2. Alexander Fleming may not necessarily have seen Winston Churchill after the childhood accident;
  3. Winston Churchill almost died from the medicines given by Fleming;
  4. Alexander Fleming was Winston Churchill's personal doctor


TEXT  1.                                                                                                                                         VIII FORM

Elizabeth  Blackwell  was  born in  England  in  1821, and emigrated  to  New  York  City  when she  was  ten. One  day  she  decided  that  she  wanted  to  become  a  doctor. That  was  nearly  impossible  for  a  woman  in  the  middle  of  the  19th century. After  writing  many  letters  asking  for  admission  to medical  schools, she  was finally  accepted  by  a doctor  in  Philadelphia.

In 1849, after  graduating  from  medical  school, she  decided  to  continue  her  education   in  Paris. She  wanted  to  be  a  surgeon, but  a  serious  eye  infection crashed  her  plans.

Returning  to  the  USA  she  found  it  difficult  to  start  her  own  practice  because  she  was  a  woman. By  1857  Elizabeth  and  her  sister, also  a doctor, along  with  another  female  doctor, could  open  a  new hospital, the  first  for  women  and children. Besides  being  the  first  female  physician  and  founding  her  own  hospital, she  also  founded  the  first  medical  school  for  women.


  1. Where  had  Elizabeth  lived  till  she  was  ten?
    1. in New  York  B) in  England  C) in  Philadelphia  D) in  Paris
  2. What  did she  do  in  Philadelphia?
      1. she worked as a doctor  B) she  studied at a medical school

    C)  she wrote letters   D) she taught medicine  at  school

  1. What  country  did  she  continue  her  education?

A) in  England  B)  in  the  USA  C)  in  France  D) on  the  Philippines 

  1. Why  couldn’t  she  become  a  surgeon?

A) she couldn’t get to medical school  B) she decided to continue her education in Paris

C) because of a serious eye infection  D) it was difficult for her to start practice

  1. What  was  the  main  problem  for  her  as  a  doctor?

A) she was a woman  B) she  wrote  too  many  letters

C) she  couldn’t  graduate  from  medical  school  D) she couldn’t open her hospital

Text 2.

Once  there  were  four  children  whose  names  were  Peter, Susan, Edmund  and  Lucy. This  story  is  about  something  that  happened  to  them  when  they  were  sent  away from  London  during  the  war  because  of  the air  raids. They  were  sent  to  the  house  of  an  old  Professor  who  lived  in  the  heart  of  the  country, ten  miles  from  the  nearest  railway  station  and  two  miles  from  the  nearest  post  office. He  had  no  wife  and  he  lived  in  a  very  large  house  with  a  housekeeper  called  Mrs. Macready  and  three  servants. He  himself  was  a  very  old  man  with  shaggy  white  hair  which  grew  over  most  of  his  face  as  well  as  on  his  head, and  they  liked  him  almost  at  once; but  on  the  first  evening    when  he  came  out  to  meet  them  at  the  front  door  he  was  so  odd-looking  that  Lucy ( who  was  the  youngest )  was  a  little  afraid  of  him, and  Edmund ( who  was  the  next  youngest )  wanted  to  laugh  and  had  to  keep  on  pretending  he  was  blowing  his  nose  to  hide  it.


  1. The  four  children  went  to  live  in  a  house  in  the  country.
  2. The  Professor  was  very  old  with  brown  hair.
  3. Lucy  was  the  youngest  child.
  4. The  Professor  lived  two  miles  from  the  nearest  post  office.
  5. The  names  of  the  four  children  are  Peter, Susan, Edmund, and  Betty.
  6. This  story  is  about  four  children’s  trip  to  Paris.


Halloween  was  first  celebrated  many  centuries  ago  in  Ireland  and  Scotland  by  Celtic  priests  called  Druids. They  observed  the  end  of  autumn  and  the  beginning  of  winter. The  Druids  thought  that  Halloween  was  the  night  when  the  witches  came  out. As  they  were  afraid  of  witches  they  put  food  and  small  gifts  near  the  doors  of  their  houses  for  the  witches.

It  is  considered  that  Halloween  was  brought  to  America  by  the  immigrants  from  Ireland  and  Scotland. In  the  19th century  they  celebrated  Halloween  according  to  their  old  traditions  (the  integral  part  of  the  festival  was  a  lantern  made  of  a  pumpkin  with  holes  in  the  forms  of  eyes, and nose  and  a  mouth). Nowadays  people  hold  parades  on  Halloween. On  the  31st  of October  they  dress  as  witches, demons, ghosts and  the  like, with  large ‘pumpkins’  in  their  hands, take  part  in the festival that  lasts  till  early  morning.


1. Halloween  was  first  celebrated  A) in the 19th century   B)  many  years  ago

                                                              C) many  centuries  ago  D) two  centuries  ago

2. It  was  first  celebrated  A) at  the  end  of  autumn  B)  at  the  end  of  winter

                                              C) in  the  middle  of  autumn  D)  in the  middle  of  winter

3. The  Druids  placed  small  gifts  for  A) children B) witches C) neighbours  D) guests

4. Halloween  was  brought  A) to  Ireland  from  Scotland  B) to  Scotland  from  America

                                                C) to  America  from  Ireland  D)  to  Ireland  from  America

5. In  the 19th  c.  Americans  A)  didn’t  celebrate  Halloween  B) didn’t have  Halloween 

    C) celebrated  according to the  new rules  D) celebrated  according to the old customs

6. The integral  of  the  festival  was  A) a  lantern  made  of  cabbage  B) a  melon  with  holes

  1. a  cabbage  with  holes  D)  a  lantern  made  of  pumpkin.

   7. On  the  31st  of  October  people  are  dressed  as  A) good  spirits  B) pumpkins

                                                                                            C) evil  spirits  D) animals

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